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Past Workshops

Asia & the Middle East: Straddling Between Contestation, Competition & Cooperation

Crisis Response Council and the Emirates Policy Center convened a workshop on 12 June 2023 on Asia-Middle East relations.  The Middle East region is increasingly central to the foreign policies of Asian countries such as China, Japan, India, and South Korea. Each of these players have become more assertive in a range of political and economic spaces, including in security, finance, agriculture, telecommunications, transport, and especially energy. At the same time, countries within MENA are turning to Asia as the primary interlocutor for trade and diplomacy, as exemplified by the recent agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which was brokered in Beijing. This workshop explored the future trajectories of Asia-Middle East relations, their implications and how they might be harnessed to help build a collective and consensus driven regional order. 

The Complexities of Hybrid Security Orders

Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and Crisis Response Council hosted, on 22 and 23 March 2022, a group of experts for a closed-doors workshop in Geneva, Switzerland. The convened cohort explored important themes including the complexities and challenges of hybrid security orders, managing hybrid actors, the political economy of violence and the role of the state, as well as the need to harmonize policy tracks in transitional processes.

The Middle East in the Emerging International Order: New Threats, Old Realities

Crisis Response Council was delighted to convene a workshop on the sidelines of the Middle East Peace and Security Forum in Iraqi Kurdistan. The workshop took place on November 16, 2022 and convened regional and international experts to assess the challenges facing the Middle East against the backdrop of great power competition.

Brookings Institution

Past panels

Winning the Peace: Armed Groups & Security Sector Challenges

3 June 2021


Crisis Response Council and the Brookings Institution's Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors were delighted to convene panel discussion that examined the future of armed groups in the Middle East and policy options for responding to them. It looked at whether armed groups should be integrated into formal governing structures, whether armed movements can govern, and which armed groups should be accepted, and which should be sidelined; it examined how the international community, particularly the U.S. and Europe, should address security crises and looked at potential policies for conflict mitigation and resolution at the local and regional level.



Vanda Felbab-Brown

Brookings Institution


Benedetta Berti



Yaniv Voller

Kent University


Fred Wehrey

Carnegie Endowment

Turkey's Relationship with Iraq: Caught Between Conflict, Cooperation & Geopolitics

11 May 2021

Crisis Response Council, together with the Carnegie Corporation of New York, were delighted to convene a panel discussion on the future of Turkey's relationship with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, focusing specifically on the implications of a possible Turkish military incursion into Sinjar, Turkey's political and economic relations with Erbil and Baghdad, Ankara's rivalry with Iran, and conflict mitigation mechanisms that can stave off a conflict.



Denise Natali

Assistant Secretary of State


Osman Sert

Ankara Institute


Lahib Higel

International Crisis Group


Guney Yildiz

Cambridge University

The Future of the State in the Middle East

22 April 2021

Together with the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Crisis Response Council convened a panel discussion on the future of the State in the Middle East, focusing specifically on how the state can better respond to the needs of populations, whether there are viable alternatives to existing administrative and territorial structures, the future of the state-system in the region and the role that international actors can play to address state fragility and the underlying drivers of instability. 



Toby Dodge

London School of Economics


Joseph Bahout

American University of Beirut


Linda Robinson

Council on Foreign Relations


Christiana Parreira

Princeton University

Securing Lasting Peace in the Middle East

15 December 2020

Crisis Response, together with its partners the Carnegie Corporation of New York, EastWest Institute in Brussels and the Proxy Wars Initiative, convened a panel discussion that forms part of its "Ten Years Since the Arab Spring" series, focusing on the main challenges to stabilization and reconstruction, the future of democracy promotion in the region, reconciliation and peace-building and the role that international actors like the United States and Europe can play to constrain the fallout from conflicts and their second-order effects.



Frances Z. Brown

Carnegie Endowment


Jomana Qaddour

Atlantic Council

Mr Emadeddin Badi, Middle East Institute.jpg

Emad Badi

Atlantic Council


Kawa Hassan

Stimson Center

Turkey's Foreign Policy: What Next?

3 December 2020 

In this webinar, Crisis Response, together with its partners the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Proxy Wars Initiative, convened an esteemed group of experts to examine these challenges further, focusing specifically on the future of Turkey’s engagements with its neighbourhood and the wider region, the future of US-Turkey relations under a Biden administration and conflict mitigation mechanisms that can help reduce the fallout fromongoing crises.



Dareen Khalifa



Galip Dalay

Chatham House


Asli Aksoy


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Ian Lesser


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Tensions Between the US and Iran: Where Next?

12 August, 2021


Together with the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Proxy Wars Initiative, Crisis Response examined the prospects of securing de-escalation, the consequences a sustained conflict might have for the region and the implications it could have for the effort to secure the enduring defeat of ISIS. It explored the role that regional countries, as well as outside actors like the Europeans, could play to develop a pathway to de-escalation, and the steps that the Iraqi government can and should take to forestall yet another devastating conflict on its territory.

Alistair Burt, Former UK Minister of State for the Middle East.jpg

Alistair Burt

Foreign Office, UK

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Lukman Faily

Iraqi Government


Dalia Dassa Kaye


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Ariane Tabatabai

Columbia University

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Hassan Ahmadian

Harvard University

Together with the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Proxy Wars Initiative, Crisis Response examined Iraq's prospects of securing peace and stability and explores the extent to which the new government might be able to address the long-list of challenges that currently face the country. It identifies how the Iraqi state can reign in Shiite militias and mitigate the fallout from US-Iran tensions, in addition to examining the future of US-Iraq relations and the ongoing military campaign to defeat ISIS.

Iraq's Prospects For Stability

13 May 2020


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Ken Pollack


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Jane Arraf

New York Times

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Bayan Sami Rahman


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Mohammed Hakim

Iraqi Government

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Mohammed Radhi

Sumeria Foundation

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